Search Engine Optimisation or SEO can help you to gather traffic on your websites. If you are doing a business and you do not make a website of your business then how are you gonna survive in this internet-led world? But the problem is not only related to creating a website or webpage but also if your website is ranking on the internet. Expanding the business worldwide is not easy if no one is visiting your webpage and there is not enough traffic on your site then there is not any benefit to creating any. SEO helps you to get the required traffic on your website so that it can rank on google.

Almost every industry can get benefit from SEO, and you can focus your industry on different countries than limiting it to a single country. SEO makes it easy for you to do business worldwide and give knowledge of your product to people present in every corner of the world.

What is SEO?

The web says Search Engine Optimisation is a process that improves the traffic quality and quantity to a website from search engines. There are two types of traffic one is paid or direct and the other is unpaid or indirect. The main target of SEO is unpaid traffic, which originates from different kinds of searches. Like video, academic, images, news, etc related searches.

It would not be wrong to say that search engine optimization is a kind of internet marketing strategy. It understands the working algorithms of the search engine and makes notes on what is searched by people, keywords, etc, and then works accordingly.

When you use SEO on your website, it makes certain changes to a part of your website or webpage. It makes the user experience of your website better and can help you reach rank 1 on google sometimes.

So, now you have learned what SEO is and a little bit of how it works, let’s now move ahead what are the easiest countries and industries to do SEO in? Here we have prepared a list of those industries and countries where you can get benefits by doing SEO.


We all know what eCommerce is and how it works. eCommerce is highly dependent on the internet and its very existence is just because we have internet with us. Online stores like Amazon, Flipkart, etc can only survive if they get control over the internet and get a place on top-ranked websites. SEO is important in eCommerce activities as it can provide them with desired traffic.

#Health & Fitness

Health and fitness are now the major goals of every human being irrespective of the area and country they live in. and as we entered the new decade it’s now not limited to a specified place called the gym. You can put your videos on the internet share tips to remain fit and healthy on your website and to make it reach the People SEO can help you in this.

#Real Estate

People want to own places in different areas, and real estate can help them in this. When you use an online platform for real estate businesses and provide them the pictures, views of locations of different places that can be their dream place, SEO can help you reach the audience that is in need of your websites.


We need technology to grow equally in the world and technology in one area can only be known by using the internet. Spreading knowledge about the technology can be easy when you use SEO. The top tech companies needed the SEO in their early times when they were growing and now their every innovation becomes the front page headlines automatically. So to grow your tech business you must go for an SEO process.

#Tours & Travel

There are the countries that earn the maximum of their GDP from the Tour & Travel industries. You can spread your culture to the world and the beautiful building, scenery, locations that people across the globe need to know by SEO. your tourism industry can grow worldwide with its help and this is one of the industries that is needed to grow.

#Home Repairs and Renovations

Decor ideas and home renovations are today’s time most in-demand businesses, and they are growing at a very face speed. People just don’t get a dream at night about getting their home a new look, but it all comes when you see someone else’s house getting renovated and repaired. When those ideas are shared via the internet so that many other people will know how they can picture their home. SEO will work like magic for this industry.

#News & Media

In order to grow, it’s important to know not only about your own country but also to be updated on what is happening in the world too. Like the recent war going on between Ukraine and Russia. News and Media are using every media available to spread knowledge and recent happenings. And for them to reach a large audience SEO will be the best option.


Trends and fashion are now directing the world. The craze for going with the trend is not limited to the high-class people just every ordinary man and woman follow the trend. Fashion industries can take advantage of this and reach the maximum audience, and this can be an easy step if SEO is used.

Countries to do SEO in

  • United Kingdom
  • Japan
  • India
  • Germany
  • United States
  • Spain
  • Canada
  • South Korea
  • Mexico
  • Brazil
  • Russia
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Indonesia
  • Australia
  • Italy
  • France
  • Turkey

The above-listed countries are those where SEO can be done easily. You can target any country or multiple countries according to your wish as all countries are either developing or developed and people there know how to use the internet and use search engines for their queries. SEO can be useful in these countries and industries because these are the result of the most used keywords by people on search engines.


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