From last few years, tensions have elevated fiercely in diplomatic relations between China and Taiwan. A possibility of Chinese invasion of Island is dramatically escalated. A spark of outrage was formed when Nancy Pelosi the speaker of US house of representative arrived at Taiwan. While Taiwan is not a participant of NATO, the support it receives from the US and G7 officials angered the Chinese administration.

Over the last couple of weeks, the Chinese Liberation army sent a number of fighter jets, including nuclear capable bombers into Taiwan defensive territories. In a recent speech, Chinese president shared his desire of peaceful unification of China and Taiwan.

In response to that Taiwan officials launched their fighter jets and levied air defensive missiles. President of Taiwan has clearly stated by raising their defenses that no one can force Taiwan to follow the path China has laid out on us.

This complication would have huge implications for New Zealand’s association but also have great impacts for peace and tranquility in the sector. The government of New Zealand was taking things lightly. But recently they took first step by sending out their warships into South China Sea to demonstrate their force and take stand against China.


History of China and Taiwan is peculiar. China’s Xi Jinping talks about reunification, but in actual Taiwan was never been a part of China.

Taiwan was first controlled by China under Qing’s Dynasty from 1683 to 1895. After that Japan won the Sino-Japanese war and China retreated administration of Taiwan to Japan. However, after World War 2, Japan lost and gave the control of Taiwan to China, which was at the time when “Republic of China” was established in the mainland.

But after a while Civil war broke out between the ruling Nationalists, the Kuomintang and Mao Zedong’s uprising communist party. The Nationalists and 1.2 million people left the mainland and fled to Taiwan.

The Communist setup government “People’s Republic in China” on the mainland in 1949. On the other hand, The Nationalists took their “Republic of China” to the Taiwan.


  The Chinese officials trying to diplomatically insist Taiwan for reunification as “one China”. After a short while of split up, half of the world as “Republic of China” as the legitimate government of not just Taiwan but for china too.

Things begin to disrupt when US Officials formed diplomatic relations with Beijing around 1979. The main reasons behind this relations was to counteract the Soviet Union. That’s when the US realizes the Communist run the people’s Republic and act as a sole government in the country.

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Now the big question is why the China wants to take over Taiwan?

China considers Taiwan as parting state that will be the part of china in course of time. On the contrary, Taiwan considers itself as self-ruled independent nation completely separated from china.

To add the fuel to the fire, US indicated that it will protect Taiwan in case China plan an invasion. Research conducted by the National Chengchi University clearly represents that there’s a considerable fall in number of citizens who identify themselves as Chinese, most individuals consider themselves as Taiwanese.

The relations between China and Taiwan had improved around 1980’s, with that the war between these nations was declared over in 1991. Later china purposed ‘one country, two systems’. But Taiwan rejected the offer, leading the Chinese official to declare the Taiwan officials as ‘illegitimate’.

After that, Taiwan begins democratic elections openly and the president Tsai lng-Wen, leading the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

Role of Taiwan in economy

Taiwan is the world largest producer of computer chips. TSMC foundary is a company of Taiwan which fabricates the chips for consumers and also for military purposes. The whole Taiwan holds 65% market shares in 2021. Its worth is around 100 bn dollars.

Area covered by Taiwan

Taiwan is an Island located in Pacific ocean. Area of Taiwan is approximately around 1300 miles south of china. It separates the islands from the main Continent. It is narrow point around 130km wide. It is the significant international shipping channel.


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