We all know resources are scarce and our dependence on them is unlimited. To find the solution of this major problem scientists and researchers have been searching for years but they hardly found anything that gives equal energy and is renewable. If we use the other natural sources of energy they have their own limitations like high cost, availability at certain places (wind energy can only be used in the places where there is 24×7 high wind present), etc. finding a solution to this problem is the biggest challenge for the researchers. It is true that they are unable to find the sources of energy but they have made some devices that help you to save fuel. These fuel saver devices are of different kinds and work accordingly.

Many people here might be new to the term ‘fuel-saving device’ and are thinking that such a thing even exists. Yeah, they do. Fuel-saving devices are those devices that claim to improve fuel economy, optimizing ignition, airflow, exhaust emission, and fuel flow of automobiles.

These fuel-saving devices sound like the perfect way to save fuel but do they really work? To know this you need to read this post in full. Let’s see the best Fuel saving device available in the market.

Engine Ionizer

The Electronic Engine ionizer is a piece of wire that is molded to rubber blocks. Like every other fuel-saving device engine ionizer also claims to increase the efficiency of the fuel. Also, this product helps in reducing emissions, increasing horsepower, a smoother idle, and easy starts. Its rubber clips are attached to each spark plug wire near the cylinder heads. The companies selling engine ionizers assert that the user can save hundreds of rupees on using this device.

Fuel Line Magnets

Magnets are used to improve the gas mileage in the automobile fuel line. But does this really work? It is said that magnets that are attached to your Fuel line, inside or out, break up the clumped fuel particles that help in their efficient burning. But many a time observed that this process also doesn’t happen in real life. The very basic idea of using magnets to the fuel line is standing on the fact that the oil doesn’t burn to the level that is needed. But in reality, there is nothing like that. It’s all made up stories by the companies to sell their product and the trash inventions made by them. There is no way to believe in this fuel-saving device.

Fuel & Oil Additives

Everyone wants to save the cost of fuel by using cheaper fuel for their vehicles. But this saving can, however, increase the cost you spend on your vehicle as maintenance and operating cost will increase which will make your saving on fuel neutral. To save yourself from this problem opting for fuel and oil additives is the best option. This chemical additive eliminates the harmful effects of the residual components present in the oil. There is some criticism of this fuel-saving device as there is no clear data or experiment that shows that it does the same for what is made. But these additives claim that they increase your gas mileage.

Fuel Doctor FD-47

Electronic device fuel doctor fd-47 plugs into your automobile’s cigarette lighter and all they do is display several LEDs. It is claimed that they increase the fuel economy by 25% by conditioning the power of the vehicle’s electrical system. But the real result is nil. It does nothing that is claimed above which is a total waste in conclusion.

Liquid Injection

The liquid injection is another Fuel saving device on the list. This device is used to cool down the compressor so that it can run under difficult high compression ratio conditions. It is either piped from the system liquid line directly to the compressor or injected into the scroll elements directly. But like all others, this device also works the same as them. Instead of increasing the fuel efficiency, it decreases fuel economy.

Air Bleed Devices

Those devices bleed a small amount of air into the vehicle’s fuel line before the carburetor. This makes your vehicle’s engine run slightly lean, which improves fuel economy but the other consequences are that it can cause overheating, loss of maximum power, piston damage, and poor emission as the running of the engine is leaner than the manufacturer intended. So, it’s just another not-good option on the list.

It is clear now that all the promises made by these companies are truly false just to sell their devices in the market and people spend thousands of rupees on them wishing to save the fuel in their automobiles.

So what can you do to save fuel instead of wasting your time and money on these so-called fuel-saving devices and making your vehicle more ill than before? Here is the one answer for it.

Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles are the best fuel-saving option you can have. Runs on electricity save the cost of fuel and oil and also the fuel and oil. Charge them at your home and use them whenever you need them. These devices are environmentally friendly and help you to give your contribution to the environment. Although these devices are not meant for long-distance destinations but are very helpful in your daily life like going to market, driving your children to school, going to the office, and doing many other chores on a daily basis.

Researchers need to make more automobiles that work on electricity instead of wasting time on these not-so-worthy fuel-saving devices.


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