The Wizarding world is fascinating and there is hardly anyone who has not dreamt of going to Hogwarts. Harry Potter books and movies have a greater part of people’s childhood. Many people were just 6 or 7 when the first movie came and we were adults till the last part was out. Projecting JK Rowling’s imagination on the big screen and with brilliance made Harry Potter the biggest movie of the time. The entire story is a mixture of everything that a movie needs: plot, twist, romance, fantasy, magic, battle, friendship, and whatnot. The craze for Harry Potter was so huge that you can find a wizard and witch in every family (obviously in imagination). There are a total of 8 parts of the Harry Potter movie and two other related wizarding movies and everyone has one of them as their favorite part. But can you rank them? The ranking is not tough but not easy at the same time. But doing it will only reflect personal judgment. You can still put your favorite movie in the number one position.

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald

This movie stands in last place on our ranking. This is the sequel to the fantastic beast movie, representing the time when Grindelwald was the greatest fear of the wizarding world. But the screenplay did not match the expectations of the viewers.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

The Chamber of Secrets is the second part of the Harry Potter books and movies where the heir of the Slytherin kills the muggle-born students. The movie is quite good but not as good as the book. There are so many scenes of Ginny that had been cut in the movie, that make it quite unclear for the viewer to relate it with the book.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

The first part of the Harry Potter series has taught everyone Wingardium Leviosa and many spells. This movie is the first visual of the magical books of Rowling and the projection of her imagination. The movie indeed was the best of its time but as an introductory movie, it has a kind of childish flavor in it.

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

When it comes to the visualization of the different creatures the Fantastic Beasts and where to find them is what comes to your mind. You can see the good VFX work here, different scenes that catch your eyes but still can’t beat the other movies.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part-1

The 1st part of the last book as a movie is quite boring and if you have not watched the previous book you will not understand what is going on in the movie. In this part, Harry along with his friends Hermione and Ron wander in the search of Horcrux. The interesting part comes when the three of them go to Gringotts bank and rescue a dragon. This movie is about serious details that explain what three deathly hallows are and why Voldemort wants them most specifically the elder wand.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry got a book of potions that belongs to Half-Blood Prince and started doing good in the potion, the subject where he lacks the capability of a good potion maker. Here new Professor of Potion Mr. Slughorn thinks that Harry was as good in a potion as his mother was. The saddest part is here Dumbledore dies and Draco joins the Death Eaters. Snape turns out to be the spy of Voldemort. Again there is so much missing in the movie that was needed to be projected. And the movie is less adventurous than the other parts.

Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix

Order of Phoenix is of so much Mistry for Harry as Dumbledore does not answer his questions and Sirius dies in the end. I personally love this part because the bond that Harry and Sirius share just touches my heart but those scenes TBH are rare in the movie. On the other hand, you will see so many new faces in this movie as Aurors and other members of the order. The director has tried to put so much into the movie but still was not successful. But still, you can learn so much about the story by watching it.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

The adventurous movie of all the parts. Here you will see the fight with the dragon, mermaids in the black lake of Hogwarts, and the final round in the magical Maze where the trophy is plotted as a portkey to send Harry where Voldemort wants him to regain his power and body. And eventually, he succeeded. The movie is full of magical rides and extraordinary things that have been displayed are appreciable.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part -2

This movie is where Harry finally wins over Voldemort and establishes peace in the wizarding world. The movie is second on our ranking because the movie has tried to portray everything that the book has and everything is good whether it’s makeup, VFX, casting, dialogues, acting of every character. This movie has brought the best of the character of the books and gave life to the movie. Even if you have not watched the previous parts of the movie, you can still enjoy it.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

The movie tops the list because of many reasons. The movie has no appearance of Voldemort in the movie, and you can see the friendship, loyalty, anger, and so many emotions. The book is quite uninteresting but the film is totally opposite as the director has tried to make it more effective with the scenes and his thoughts. And the most important part Harry found the marauders map in the book and his godfather Sirius.


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