Well, you are most likely to get pregnant somewhere in the middle of your menstrual cycle, but during your periods or the day before your period is a rare case. On average, most females conceive during their fertile window. Because it’s the time when your ovary releases the egg and this can be different for every person.

Getting pregnant before and after the fertile window is less likely to happen but is not impossible. There are low chances to conceive during this time but some cases can have positive results depending upon the conditions.

Before going ahead let’s learn how the menstrual cycle works.

There is basically a 28- day menstrual cycle which is common for most females. Your first day of the periods is counted as day one of the menstrual cycle.

Your periods may last between 1 to 7 days or somewhere in between. Most females have their periods for 4 days on average. It should be noted that getting pregnant during periods is quite impossible as there is still at least a week’s time in your fertile window. Your fertile window is also known as the ovulation period.

After or on the 6th to 14th day of your cycle, follicle-stimulating hormones generally known as FSH, are released by your body. These hormones help in ovarian follicles growth. The follicles are found in both men and women and help in producing relative things that are necessary for getting pregnant. In females, it produces estrogens and progesterone, helping in maintaining the menstrual cycle. And after your periods are over these follicles help in rebuilding the endometrial lining in the uterus. Not only this it also helps in developing the egg in your ovary.

This is the most accurate time to get pregnant and you might see various ovulation signs to get the idea that these are the best days for making a baby.

But you need to know that an egg can only stay in a females body for 24 hours so you need to see when is the right time for sex. Sperm can stay for up to 6 days maximum in a females body after sex so if you had sex before the ovulation you can get pregnant. But there is hardly any chance if you have sex after ovulation.

When your egg gets mature, your body releases Luteinizing Hormones that are also known as Gonadotropin. It affects the health of your reproductive system. This hormone helps in releasing the egg from the ovary. In most women, ovulation takes place on the 14th day but it can be 4-5 days before and after the 14th day in some. And when your egg does not get sperm then again periods take place and the cycle starts.

What happens in the case of those people who have an irregular menstrual cycle?

There can be many reasons behind the irregular menstrual cycle. In most cases, it is advised to take medical help if you face an inconsistency in your menstrual cycle.

Mental stress, and your diet can affect your reproductive health.

For some, there might be medical reasons that they have an irregular cycle, like PCOD and PCOS.

The irregular cycle can be reduced to 21 days and expanded to 35 days. And when your cycle varies, your ovulation also becomes irregular. So if you want to get pregnant and have irregular periods then you must track your ovulation with the help of a third-party tool or a doctor.

With a change in the fertile window you need to be more careful about tracking it.

But with the irregular cycle too ovulation can still take place in the middle of your cycle no matter when you are having your periods early or late.

So now let’s answer the often asked questions.

Q. Conception right before your period?

A. Well the changes are fairly low. Because your egg is only gonna stay in your body for 24 hours maximum and you can only conceive if your periods are early or ovulation is late. Otherwise chances are equal to none.

Q. Conception right after your periods?

A. Yes, you can. Well, you can get pregnant right after your periods if you had sex during your periods. As the sperms can live in your body for up to 6 days and your fertile window starts after your periods that means you can have chances to get pregnant right after your periods.

Q. Conception on the last day of the period?

A. Having sex on the last day of the period when you stopped bleeding can make it easy for you to conceive as we said earlier, you enter the fertile window and if ovulation takes place, say on the 11th day, then you can conceive.

It is to be noted that here we are mainly talking about those who have their periods for 5-7 days.

For females having shorter period cycles, the case may change.

You must consult a doctor regarding this if you want to get pregnant, had unprotected sex but still not conceiving.


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