
National App Day is a global celebration of the app. It’s an opportunity to celebrate how apps have helped us learn and create, all while making our lives easier, more fun and more connected.

December 11 is National App Day.

December 11 is National App Day.

National App Day is the perfect opportunity to celebrate all of the apps that we use every day, including ordering food or communicating with friends and family. Apps are used for everything from ordering food to communicating with friends and family.

What Is National App Day?

National App Day is a day to celebrate the apps we use everyday. Apps are an important part of our lives and every day, more people are using them to stay connected with friends and family. Apps can be used for fun and games, or they can be educational tools that help you learn new skills or improve your health and well-being.

Apps have been available on computers and mobile devices since the early 2000s, but it wasn’t until 2011 that Apple released its first iPhone app: “iTunes” (which later became known as “Apple Music”). Today there are hundreds of thousands of apps available in Apple’s App Store alone!

The History Of National App Day

App Day was created by the organization, which is a website that promotes app development and provides information about the various industries related to this field. The organization was founded by Laurent Blanchard in 2013 and has been around ever since then!

App Day celebrates apps from all over the world as well as celebrating their creators who are using their skills to create something that can be used everyday by millions of people around the planet!

Fun Facts About Apps

  • The first app was created in 1983.
  • The first app store was created in 2008.
  • The first app to be downloaded 1 million times was the weather channel, which was also the first paid app on iTunes. It cost $10 at the time (about $30 today).
  • Google Earth was downloaded 10 million times before it even hit that milestone—which clearly shows how popular it has become since then!

How to Celebrate the Day

To celebrate National App Day, you can:

  • Download an app. The best way to enjoy your favorite apps is to download them directly from the App Store or Google Play Store. You can also find out which apps are available at your library by searching for them on Amazon or Barnes & Noble (or however else you buy books). If you’re feeling adventurous, try searching for new ones too!
  • Use an app. There’s no better way to learn about new technology than by using it yourself! To get started with learning more about how apps work, check out our guides below:
  • What Is An App? A Brief Overview Of The History Of Apps And Technology In General…and Why It Matters Today Even More Than Ever Before! [https://www2.digitallearningmediacenterblogcom/2018/12/01/why-you-shouldnt-ignore-yourself/#more-5873]

How to Celebrate National App Day?

  • Download an app.
  • Try a new app.
  • Share your favorite app with others.
  • Share your favorite app with your friends, family and co-workers!

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  • Download an app to learn something new
  • Use an app to help you with a problem
  • Use an app to do something you enjoy, like playing games or watching videos on YouTube or Netflix (if you have access). You can also use it for saving money by using coupons from the store that sells your favorite food!


In conclusion, National App Day is a day that celebrates apps and the people who create them. It’s a day to connect with other developers, learn about new technologies and participate in fun activities.


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