On 13 April, a fireball was found flying over Shropshire. Scientists believe that the meteorite must have landed somewhere near the south of Shrewsbury. This happened on Wednesday when the huge fireball was spotted at night flying over the state.

It is believed by the scientist that the fragments of the meteorite might contain some useful information and can be used by them to know more about the space. They are urging the local people to collect the parts of the fireball and help them in doing this. For this, they are also providing enough information to recognise those pieces of meteorite. According to them, the pieces are of glossy black or brown colour. The prices could be as large as Easter eggs and as small as normal eggs. The pieces can be found in unusual places like a footpath or on a lawn.

The search is being done on a national level, as throughout the nation even at Easter bank holiday weekend the search is going on. This search is carried out by the experts of the organisation named UK Fireball Alliance. The organisation is made to fulfil its aim to collect each and every fresh meteorite that falls in the country. This collection will help them in knowing more about the space.

The holiday that the member has spent searching for it was worthless as they didn’t find anything. Now they are appealing to people to help them in searching.

According to one of the professors from the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Manchester University, the facts are: the meteorite is safe and isn’t hot. Whoever finds its fragments can handle it easily. But touching and picking it with bare hands can contaminate it.

People shouldn’t risk their lives to search for it but also try their best to do so.


Scientists appeal to trace meteorite near Shrewsbury

Scientists appeal for help tracing fragments of meteorite near Shrewsbury


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