This week’s last word of the day in the wordle game is quite interesting and easy in comparison to earlier ones this week. With a little bit of concentration and clues, you can solve this word puzzle. Wordle often comes with hard puzzles that make players take the help of a third party but there always comes a day when an easy task comes in wordle and wordle 287 is one of them. The gamers who have solved the trickiest word of the day on their own might not need any hints or clues to solve it, and there could be chances they have solved it already without any help. But no worries if you haven’t solved it as we are ready with hints and clues to help you with it.

What is Wordle and its rules?

There are plenty of word puzzles available on PlayStore and App Store, so what makes the wordle a different and interesting game? Wordle is just like any other game is a web-based word game where you have to find out meaningful words. Here you will get the 6 attempts to find or guess the 5 letter word. If you guess the right word the background of the box containing letters will change to green, if the background colour becomes yellow that means you are selecting the right letters but in the wrong order, and if the background turns black it means you guessed the wrong word. If all your tiles turn green that means you guess the word right.

Here are the Hints

Let’s begin with the hints to solve the wordle 287.

  • The word of the day of wordle 287 starts with T and ends at E.
  • Out of five letters, two are vowels.
  • The first vowel is in the centre and the second is at last, and you already know the second vowel.
  • The word that is asked to solve is used when describing metaphor.

These hints are enough and more than helping in guessing the word. But if still, you are not able to detect the right word, again there are no issues. We will also disclose the answer to you. The word of the day is “TROPE” for April 2.


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